Meat-Free Protein Sources

As any vegan or plant-based eater will attest, the most common question you get is, "But where do you get your protein?"

Here's the shocker: protein is in ALL foods we eat. Even kale, rice and bananas have protein. In fact, you could eat nothing but potatoes all day long and exceed your protein needs! Another shocker? Calorie-for-calorie, spinach has more protein than steak.

Check out the protein power in these common foods:

1. Lentils & Beans – (While each bean and lentils have their own values, they all have high levels) 1 cup kidney beans contains 13 grams; 1 cup black beans contains 15 grams

2. Soy (soy beans, tempeh, tofu) – ½ cup contains 10 grams

3. Quinoa – 1 cup cooked contains 9 grams

4. Almonds – ¼ cup contains 8 grams

5. Peas – 1 cup contains 7.3 grams

6. Sunflower Seeds – ¼ cup contains 6 grams

7. Spinach – 1 cup contains 5.3 grams

8. Brown Rice – 1 cup cooked contains 5 grams

9. Potato- 1 potato contains 4.3 grams

10. Collard greens – 1 cup contains 4.01 grams

The Vegetarian Resource Group also has a longer more comprehensive list here.

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