Not Seeing Results? Here's Why

I recently received an email from a client, who had struggled with her weight for years, saying she didn't see results until she made health a priority, not just weight-loss.

I've actually seen this with a lot of clients, and it's why I preach "lifestyle" and not "diet" because diets only work as long as you're on them.

Sure, weight-loss is one of the many benefits of going plant-based, but there are so many more advantages like better health and overall quality of life.

I love Pam Popper’s combination lock example from her book Food Over Medicine:

“The [plant-based] diet is like a combination lock. If you have to dial four numbers to open a combination lock and you dial up three correctly, you don’t get 75% of the results. You get nothing until you get that fourth number right. And so, we have a society filled with people who are doing 75% of what they need to do or 50% of what they need to do. They don’t get 50% or 75% of the results; nothing happens until they get the whole thing right.”

When I was a personal trainer, and my clients asked me about "cheating" or "cheat" days, I always told them "cheats cheat you." The decision is always yours :)

If you're not sure where to start, try the meal plans! They're great for both individuals and families!

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