7 Tips on How to Get Your Family to Eat Healthier

Getting the entire family to eat healthy can be a challenge, especially when you're first transitioning.

Here are 7 helpful tips on how to get your family on board with eating healthier!


1. Keep healthy snacks available at all times and in plain view (i.e. keep a bowl of fruit on the table or carrot sticks and hummus in the fridge)

2. Get your family involved with meal planning and food prep. Or have them choose a meal the whole family will eat one night a week.

3. Try new ways to prepare veggies. For example, the Carrot Dogs, "Beef" with Broccoli Bowl and Fettuccine Alfredo (made with cauliflower!) were all HUGE hits on the meal plans.

4. Make grocery store and farmer's market a family event. Have the kids choose one vegetable they want to try and help prepare for the week.

5. Teach your family to read nutrition labels and what ingredients to look out for (i.e. milk, casein, etc.)

6. Take it one meal at a time. Meals don't have to be elaborate or complex. Remember KISS: Keep it simple, silly!

7. Sign-up for the meal plans! The family meal plan is always kid-friendly and great for the whole family!

For more tips on how to transition your family to a plant-based diet, see the Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-Based Living!

Get the current meal plan now.