5 Ways to Beat Night Cravings

A meal plan member emailed:

"I have the most trouble with sticking to the meal plans in the evening. I always crave sweets! I am fine sticking to the meal plan all day, but then once the nighttime hits, I sabotage everything. I think it may be habit more than anything, but I jump right back the next day. I feel like as long as I keep trying, I'll eventually get it. Do you have any suggestions that might help?"


You're not alone--a lot of clients struggle with this. Here are some tips on what you can do to fight the cravings.

1) Try nibbling slowly on frozen fruits. Portion out a small amount at a time. I find peaches, bananas, and strawberries work best.

2) Brush your teeth after dinner, and again when you start wanting treats. Mouth wash works wonders as well.

3) Don't keep sweets in the house! They will call you from the kitchen!

4) Try drinking diet soda. While I generally don't recommend things like diet soda, some of my clients were only able to stop their nightly dessert habits by drinking diet root beer or diet cream soda. Zevia makes a 0 calorie soda made from stevia that's a bit more natural.

5) Try chewing gum.

Hope that helps!

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