Lost One of Your Meal Plans?

A meal plan member emailed:

"We sort of fell off the wagon when my boyfriend got ill and then, when he recovered, we traveled. Now that we are home I just feel out of practice and frazzled and I'm sad that we missed so many weeks of meal plans. Why are the links only available for two weeks? I'd love a PDF of my entire year or something so that I could see all the new recipes I missed."


Unfortunately, we can't keep the links active indefinitely; the system is limited to two weeks.

Most of our users download their files and store them on their computer, a jump drive, in a cloud like Dropbox, or print them and have them in a binder so they're always available. (Dropbox is especially nice because you can search them if you want to find a specific recipe).

If you lose or misplace a file, no biggie! You can email support[at]getmealplans[dot]com for a replacement.

We do, however, encourage users to download them every week so they have a copy :)

Enjoy the meal plans!

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