3 Ways to STOP Self-Sabotage

I need you to make a promise.

Promise me you won’t be the person telling yourself you can’t do something.

(Because as long as you say it, it’s going to be true.)

If you’re READY to stop the subconscious self-sabotage…

If you’re tired of the deep, inner self-betrayal…

If you’re ready to self-SUPPORT...

1. Reframe your thinking.

Think you’ve been using exercise to unknowingly eat more?

Stop thinking of exercise as “burning calories.”

Instead, think of it as toning, or therapy, or simply a scenic walk ;)

41/50 people reported this type of reframing made them less likely to reward themselves with extra calories!!

2. Match your words and actions.

Cheryl kept SAYING she wanted to lose weight, but her ACTIONS told another story as she kept eating ice cream, cookies, etc.

Cheryl knew EXACTLY what she needed to do to lose weight (follow the meal plans, stop eating sweets) but she wouldn’t do it, often blaming cravings for her failure.

“After I eat something spicy I NEED something sweet to balance it out,” she’d say, or, “I CAN’T give up chocolate ice cream.”

One day another member corrected her and said, “Cheryl, you don’t “need” it, you just want it really badly. Wanting and needing aren’t the same.”

That was a light bulb moment for Cheryl.

“It turned the whole thing around for me,” she explained, “I suddenly felt empowered and not powerless. I was in control. I DIDN’T need it.”

A simple shift in language created a huge shift in Cheryl’s mindset.

3. Finally, make plans in advance.

You struggle the most when you don’t know what to expect or how circumstances will unfold.

When you lay out solid plans for the future -- how you will respond to circumstances, what you will eat, etc. -- that’s the very moment you take control and start building proactive momentum.

Most of your life is out of your control, but what you eat is ALWAYS in your control.

Take control of your health with this week’s meal plan.

Put a plan in place to eliminate counterproductive behaviors and self-betrayals.

You know what you have to do!

STOP saying “I can’t” and START saying “I will”.

If you want to start running, don’t say “I can’t run today because it’s too cold or snowy.” Say “I will put on an extra layer” or “I will walk circles in the garage.”

If you want to start taking dance lessons, don’t say “I can’t afford lessons” say “I will watch free dance lessons on YouTube.”

If you want to start eating healthy, invest in the meal plans right now. Take away the analysis paralysis and “too busy” excuses.

All the heavy lifting (finding recipes, creating a shopping list, balancing the meals and being mindful of total calories) is already done for you.

Self-SUPPORT with Black Bean & Corn Taquitos, Spicy Sweet Potato Noodle Soup, Kale & Sweet Potato Frittata, and Baked Caprese Pasta.


STOP the self-betrayal. STOP self-sabotage by creating a self-SUPPORTing system.

And remember! You promised not to degrade yourself or your goals!! :D