Your Fool-Proof Strategy for Avoiding the See-Food Trap

You already know that looking at food, especially SEXY pictures of food, can activate your desire to eat, even in the absence of true physiological hunger!!

BUT you can use this vulnerability to your ADVANTAGE!

It starts with keeping alluring, hand-to-mouth foods out of sight.

Next, give healthy foods high visibility.

Cooking your meals for the week is the first step!

Store your meals in clear containers, front and center.

(Because if they’re in your face, they’ll remind you to eat them.)

Don’t sequester them off to the freezer or drawers…

Remember: the most important factor is your environment (not your will!)

You have to set yourself up for success.

Having a game plan will make you less vulnerable.

If you’re hungry and without good options, you’ll become more vulnerable to cues.

Guide yourself to healthier choices by using this week’s meal plan.

(Plus a pre-selected meal plan helps insulate you. Searching around for recipes (and looking at food pics) can make you overeat. AVOID that extra temptation and triggering cues.)

Beat the "see-food" trap with the Mango BBQ Sliders, Chili Quinoa Tacos, Pineapple & Vegetable Rice, Strawberry & Cream Polenta and more!