Are you FED UP with other people commenting on your diet?

I bet these sound familiar:

Plants feel pain too, ya know…

Oh, I could NEVER stop eating meat [cheese, eggs, oil, etc]!

You’re not fun to hang out with anymore since you stopped eating [insert non-plant based food].

Why aren’t you sharing this queso appetizer with us? C’mon just a bite won’t hurt you!

or, everyone’s “favorite”:

How do you know you’re getting enough PROTEIN?


Whether the person asking is genuinely curious or they are purposely trying to ruffle your feathers, it can get old… REALLY fast.

Sometimes you just want to eat your Asian Tofu Salad Sandwich in peace, right?!

Whether it’s a friend, co-worker, or some random people you’ve encountered, it’s important to remember:

Negative comments are often a reflection of THEIR insecurities.

Your choices act as a mirror, and they didn’t like what they see…

So they tear down and attack your choices to feel better about their own.

If someone is COMPLETELY satisfied and secure with their choices and lifestyle…

...they wouldn’t need to attack you or criticize.

After all, you’re not asking them to explain or defend what they are eating!

There’s also a comfort in conformity… and you’ve rocked the boat!

They feel the need to pressure you to sit back down and conform.

Don’t give in, but don’t argue your lifestyle, either.

A great neutralizer is, “I’m experimenting right now.” Or “This seems to be working for me, so I’m going to keep with it for now.”

REASSURE an unsupportive friend that you are NOT trying to change them.

Reassure them that you are NOT going to force your choice on them either.

Your change is unsettling for them. They feel defensive… They feel judged...

They think you’re trying to take their favorite steakhouse from them!


Don’t engage—you’re not going to change their mind right then so why waste the energy?

LIVE and LOVE your lifestyle! Don’t argue your lifestyle!

If you’re happy, loving what you’re eating and THRIVING, you won’t even have to open your mouth!

The changes in you will speak for themselves!

You know that what you are doing is right—and that’s all that matters!

Keep rocking!

P.S. This newsletter was born out of a terrific thread in the member forums. I love having that community of people who get me, get you, and truly understand what it’s like to live in a world with a totally different agenda.

In that spirit, if you have tips or advice for dealing with unsupportive family and friends

Please leave it in the comments below.