Avoiding the Festive 15

The average American gains 10-15 pounds this month.

Let’s make sure that’s not you!

Weigh Yourself Twice a Week

While I encourage NSVs (non-scale victories) all year, I find weighing yourself twice a week keeps you honest during the holidaze.

If nothing else, there’s no BIG BIG surprise come January 1st.

Keep in mind, though, that when drinking and being merry, your body will hold onto more water than usual, so don’t get too obsessed with the numbers.

Wear Tight, Fitted Clothes

Sweats and sweaters are cozy and comfy, but loose-fitting and stretchy attire makes it easy to gain weight without realizing it. Choose clothes that are fitted so you stay honest.


Only plate items you really, really want, rather than taking helpings of everything you don’t hate.

Don’t Chase the Dragon

With desserts and rich treats, the first bite is mind-blowing, but each bite thereafter isn’t as good. Oftentimes we keep eating, trying to get back to that initial bliss.

The point of diminishing returns is typically after the third bite. Pay attention and stop eating when you’re not having the same enjoyment.

Keep a Warm Weather Outfit Out

Look at it as a reminder and try it on periodically, too!

Consider Intermittent Fasting

Many of our members have had great success with IF (for weight-loss and learning their true hunger). I love practicing it when I’m on vacation and during the holidays because rules bypass willpower, which is an extremely exhaustible resource!

Plus, as my husband jokes, it’s less hours in the day your face is in the troph ;)

(Members, see the weight-loss ebook on your dashboard and threads in the forums to learn more.)

Happy Holidays (not Holidaze!)

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